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Monday 31 December 2012

8 Tips to starting in the New Year!

Hey guys,
So here we are, about to face another new year's resolution rush at the gym!  Here are some tips for the new comers and the returnees!

1) Be aware of your trainer!  Without sounding too harsh, there are a lot of trainers out there that have little or basic knowledge.  Certification can take as little as a weekend, and can lead new comers to believe that their trainer knows all!  How do we avoid this? Ask questions!  By asking questions you can find out what your trainer knows and doesn't know!  If you don't get a trainer, still ask questions!  95% of the people I have helped in my life I haven't been paid a dime for!  There are a lot of good helpful trainers out there, make sure you aren't trusting a weekend course that is extremely basic!

2)Be aware of those who act like your trainer.   New year's is notorious for people being taught how to work out by their friends.  Ask the same questions to your friend as you would a trainer!  I watched one kid teach an awful squat technique today!  Don't let their lack of education hurt you!

3) Don't quit!  The first month is the hardest and by far the busiest.  It is tough to stick with it and even worse, it is a very intimidating place.  Remember, most of your results start on the inside and work their way out over time!  Heath comes before abs, so stick with it!

4) Make small commitments!  Don't try to start out working out for 2 hours a day and eating perfect.  The bigger the transition the less likely you will stay with it.  Make your first goals are just to get to the gym and get moving.  I always recommend doing 20 minutes cardio, and trying a few machines.  You will be shocked at how quickly you will progress from here without quitting.

5) Don't forget why you are there.  If you are there to get jacked and lose weight, things like lifting heavy weights and high rest is not going to help.  You will gain muscle underneath your fat.  I always like to explain body fat as if it is a winter coat.  You can have as many muscles as you want underneath your coat, but until you start burning off your coat you will just look bigger!  Workout logically to attain your goals, and if you don't know how ask!

6) Eat to workout, don't workout to eat!  Don't let this new physical activity allow you to eat more.  It is perfectly normal to get a lot hungrier when you start working out.  Try to combat this with easy fixes like calorie dense nuts and proteins.  Two table spoons of almond butter before bed can help this a lot!

7) Lift properly not poorly!  Light weight is the best weight.  Remember 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down.  If you can't do it, lighten the weight!  You don't need to impress anyone with what you lift, impress them with your results!

8) Last but not least, don't commit to the gym without committing to your diet!  Diet is key!  One does not work without the other!

      On that note, I will be doing a lot of program designs for people over this month and will be selling 4-6 week programs for $50 each.  Should you want one let me know!   Regardless if you need help let me know!  I am always around for questions and will help anyone who is in the right mindset.  That being said, I am a busy guy with a forgetful mind so should I not reply let me know and I will answer as quickly as I can!

Hope these help!  Cheers, Ryan

Sunday 23 December 2012

A must see documentary!

Hey guys I think this is a really important documentary to watch on nutrition, and why we eat the bad foods we want to.  It's not your fault!  A must see and it's even on Netflix!

*I do find the views of one of the commentators to be a little exaggeratory

Hungry for Change

Ryan Trueman

Saturday 22 December 2012

12 Tips of Christmas, Tips 10,11 and 12!

Hey guys,
       Here is the last 2 tips

Tip #11
      This one is for the guys out there!  It is called DAA! This is my favourite testosterone boosters on the market and can be bought at Popeye's.  It will help boost your own bodies testosterone production and can lead to big gains!  This is a testosterone booster so guys 18 or under shouldn't try it (you don't need it you have tons of testosterone at that age).  I believe it should also be taken with an estrogen blocker and you can talk to the boys at Popeye's for more information on those (A-HD is my favorite).

Tip #12
      Enjoy the holidays and stick with it come January!  January can be a new start and very tough on those who are new.  Don't be overwhelmed, there is a lot of new people there just like you.  Ask questions and talk to those who lift well NOT who has the biggest muscles!  Be sure of your form and conscious of the weight.  I lift a lot lighter than many and get twice the results.  Focus and stick it out! The first month is the hardest, but it gets easier I promise!

Cheers guys and Happy Holidays!

Ryan Trueman

Thursday 20 December 2012

12 Tips of Christmas! Tips # 7,8,9!

Hey guys,
   So here it is, tips 7,8,9!

Tip #7!

    Avoid those holiday headaches!  The holiday is full of flashing lights and overwhelming scents.  This can be overloading on your sensory systems and can lead to headaches and eye soreness!  If you find yourself in this situation, remember to eat (I take fish oil pills with vitamin d) good fats like omega 3's that are in foods like fish and calorie dense nuts.  Additionally, protein will aid in the breakdown of your body, and help rebuild you so you can bounce back from strain and pain!  This can help give your body the nutrients to avoid these headaches!  If you feed your brain food from the food-court, you will feel like food from the food-court   Additionally, for some of you with migrane (I am one of you)  issues caffeine can also help with headaches.  However, make sure you have food in your stomach.  With an empty stomach caffeine can lead to a negative affect or worse headaches.

Tip #8!

      Don't shop everyday!  Shopping has been shown by countless studies to have addictive qualities.  This addiction is due to a release and inhibition of certain chemicals in the brain.  These are the same chemicals that are involved in things like, the feeling of love, sex and food!  To put this into perspective, studies show these are the same chemicals that a dog's brain will release when they see their owner.   Now compare how excited your dog is to see you, to how you see the new pair of boots you HAD to buy!  Therefore, you can see how shopping can be physically addicting, and even worse can lead to withdraws!  Remember to take breaks, because we don't want a world full of people who comfort themselves with purchases they can't afford!  It's unhealthy for you and your visa card!

Tip #9!

     Take a chill pill!  This is a time of year where everyone is running themselves into the ground.  If you don't take time for yourself, you can leave your body trying to sustain a stimulated state for too and will leave yourself with a higher susceptibility to getting sick (aka, the more you wear yourself out, the better chance you will get sick).  Think of it like running all your computer programs at one time for a prolonged time.  Your computer (like you) will be overworked and either breakdown, or force itself into sleep mode.  You need to recover to stay stress free and healthy.  Try a 20 minute nap once a day.  Bonus tip:  I am a strong believer in not napping in the same place you sleep at night.  Naps in places like your bed often trick your body into drifting into REM (rapid eye movement, aka deep sleep) quickly and can make waking up a lot harder.  Try a quick couch snooze.  It can increase your daily potential and you will most likely make up for the 20 minutes you lost!

Best of luck!

Ryan Trueman

Monday 17 December 2012

The 12 Tips of Christmas, Tips #5 and #6!

Hey guys,

        Work has been really busy, so I apologize for these coming together tonight!  That said, those who have asked questions who I haven't replied to yet remind me of your questions as I have been overwhelmed and am trying my best going through everything after work.  Sorry for the delay!

Tip # 5!

Eat Breakfast!  Eating breakfast will help jump start your metabolism in the morning and set the stage for calorie burning all day!  What happens is while you are asleep your body slows down your metabolism as a survival mechanism, and when you don't eat breakfast your body stays in this starvation mode.  Even worse it slows down even more the longer you go!  So get up and get breakfast into you!  Bonus! Eat those delicious nutritious fats! (NO TRANS FATS) This will help your body to trigger fat burning all day. Additionally make sure it includes protein (30g within 30 minutes is ideal) and has as few grams of simple sugars as possible!  This means have things like ezekiel bread with natural peanut butter or eggs and not Lucky Charms! (although they are so good, save them for cheat day)

Tip #6! 

Relax and enjoy the time you do have.  By enjoying yourself and finding time for you to relax you will greatly lower your stress levels.  Elevated stress levels come with a number of health conditions like high blood pressure, but it also causes your energy systems to be elevated and overstimulated.  Think of it like this, a stressed body is like a 6th grader after a fun dip and a red bull!   This causes a lot of calories to be stored so your body can maintain this high energy level.  Additionally, you also have to address the comfort that comes from food as a way to cope with stress.  This will escalate your chances of relapsing on your diet!  So guys, remember the holidays are about family and friends, not presents and stress.  So enjoy your time together and stay healthier! Just.. Be Awesome!

*Alternatively, you can also lose weight when you are high stressed due to the constant stimulation of your energy levels.  If you are in this group please see a doctor, or make lifestyle changes, because most of this reduction in weight isn't you losing fat, it is your body literally wasting away.  Both fat and structural tissues like muscles and weakened bone from malnutrition!

Ryan Trueman

Saturday 15 December 2012

The 12 Tips of Christmas, Tip #4

Hey guys,

Too many people year after year, look at the holidays as a time to indulge because January and the new year is coming.  So here is tip number 4:

Don't indulge because you are planning for the new year!

       Many people use new years as a time to make life style changes and hit the gym or clean up their diet.  Little do they know, that in my experience at the gym, almost 80% of the people who start, quit within a couple months, and about half of them after the first month.  If you look at your local attendance around January there are a lot of new faces, and they slowly disappear as march approaches..  Now keep in mind some do stick it out, and some see great changes early on, but the vast majority will not see changes immediately.  However, the health benefits DO start immediately. The first positive changes that will arise are the benefits on the inside of your body and not looks.   This means that the first few weeks are the hardest because it will be the most physically demanding with little results to be seen in the mirror.  Because of this, many people will have indulged all holidays, only to quit soon after starting their changes!  Don't plan for January, because January is no guarantee   Well intensions don't always fit into everyone's lifestyle and changes can be much more difficult than you originally think!
Don't make this mistake and stick with any new years resolutions you make to yourself.  It can only double your progress!  

Ryan Trueman

Friday 14 December 2012

The 12 Tips of Christmas, Tip #3 !

Hey guys,

Tip # 3
How to cope with christmas parties and their endless sweets!  

    We all know how hard it is around this time of year to not eat cookies and drink calories, but try a few of these to help yourself out!

-Eat healthy and calorie dense foods before going to a party.  What this does is allows you to eat less garbage foods, and dampens their affects!  Additionally, try starting on the healthy snacks first!

-If you have the will power, take some home, and eat less there.  If you indulge less or save it for your cheat day it will help a lot! ( this doesn't mean have cake everyday instead of cake on one day)

-Don't drink calories, aim for straight liquor drinks, or low carb beers like Michelob Ultra (only 2.6 grams of carbs) and avoid sugary drinks.  Remember diet pops are healthy for you if you keep them to 12oz and under.  Have one diet pop and follow the above after that!  It will help fight the cravings.

-Eat slowly, and be social.  Being social helps keep your mind busy and away from the snacks.  Be social, it is what the holidays are all about.

-Bring the healthy alternatives and snack on your own!

-Take a picture of every bad thing you eat, and review it periodically before snacking again.  If you take a picture of every bad thing you eat, you are way less likely to eat more.  Most people's issues are their serving sizes.  You will be surprised by how much garbage you may eat.

-Make it your cheat day and go all out.  This can lead to a bell ache, but it helps fight the cravings for the next few days!

        Hope those help get you through those parties guys, and remember, it is the holidays and making mistakes from time to time isn't the end of the world!  Just work hard to try your best, even I eat garbage occasionally this time of year!

Thursday 13 December 2012

The 12 Tips of Christmas! Tip #2

Hey guys!

On the second day of Christmas Trueman gave to me, the perfect bum at home remedy!

      Hey guys here is tip 2 to help work out over the holidays!  Women especially love to store fat on their hips, and triceps and we can blame genetics for that.  But there is a way to work on yours with hardly anytime, and can be done twice a week at home with one main exercise, the kettlebell swing!  The kettlebell was created by simply adding a handle to a cannonball to help use momentum in the gym.

       Do one set of 75 Kettle-bell swings twice a week after a protein snack (works best in the morning).  This is the recipe to the perfect bum, and has been proven time after time in documented research to be enough to tighten up those glutes!

      Additionally, to all those heavy lifting guys out there who think they don't need kb swings, it will also greatly help with your deadlift strength!  Remember guys, just because you are big, doesn't mean you can't always do the same exercise as a 100lbs woman trying to lose weight!  It is all about how you do it and why!

       A fantastic demonstration can be show below with some tips from one of my main role models in this world, Tim Ferriss.

For those of you that know the exercise already here is a review of things to remember again as explained best by Tim Ferriss:

Here are a few guidelines:
• Stand with your feet 6–12 inches outside of shoulder width on either side, each foot pointed outward about 30 degrees. If toes pointed straight ahead were 12:00 on a clock face, your left foot would point at 10:00 or 11:00, and your right would point at 1:00 or 2:00.
• Keep your shoulders pulled back (retracted) and down to avoid rounding your back.
• The lowering movement (backswing) is a sitting-back-on-a-chair movement, not a squatting- down movement.
• Do not let your shoulders go in front of your knees at any point.
• Imagine pinching a penny between your butt cheeks when you pop your hips forward. This should be a forceful pop, and it should be impossible to contract your ass more. If your dog’s head gets in the way, it should be lights out for Fido.


Ryan Trueman

Wednesday 12 December 2012

The 12 Tips of Christmas! Tip #1

Hey guys,
       I know everyone is going to be busy over Christmas so I came up with the idea to post one short quick tip everyday for the next 12 days leading up until Christmas!  Consider it my 12 days of Christmas!

Day one:

On the first day of Christmas Trueman gave to me, cinnamon sprinkled in our coffee!
       Over the holidays everyone will indulge, even I indulge time to time.  One way to help us get through the holidays is by slowing down the insulin spike that these tasty treats give us.  So should you feel a craving for something sweet, make sure you have cinnamon on it!  If it is in stick form, the best type to use is the type that curls in from both sides!  The two easiest ways to accomplish this are sprinkle some in your coffee or tea, or buy tablets from the store!  If you try to take a spoonful you will be quite surprised by the burning in your mouth so try the other ways!  Cinnamon will slow down your food processing and lowers the amount of fat you will store!  Try it guys!

Ryan Trueman    

Monday 10 December 2012

A must see video on the food industry and how it tricks you!

This video represents the sole reason I started this blog.  To inform the uninformed on the tricks played by the food industries!  A must see guys!  All true, don't be tricked!

How much water should you drink a day? Find out here!

Don't drink less water just because it is winter!

         Hydration levels are so important guys and a lot of us don't get enough fluids, especially in winter!  Just because we are not out in the sun everyday doesn't mean that we don't need water!  Our bodies are 2/3 water, and it is essential for our bodies to function properly.  A common question always asked is how much water should we consume in a day? That is a tough question as your lifestyle depicts how much is needed!  However, the Mayo Clinic (probably the most reliable source for health information and facts)  recommends for men around 3 litres a day and for women around 2.2 litres a day.  The best tip I can give is monitor your pee!  The ideal color of your urine should be close to clear (for many of you drinkers out there, this is why your pee is clear during the time when you are intoxicated as you are very hydrated), unless you use a multivitamin.  Multivitamins excrete a lot of what isn't absorbed and can make your urine bright yellow.  The closer to yellow it is, the more you need to drink water!
    Now I know drinking that much water a day is difficult, but I always recommend just carrying a water bottle with you all the time.  You will be surprised at how much water you will drink!  Additionally try and spice it up sometimes!  Drinks with low aspartame and sugar can make your drinks a little more bearable and taste delicious.  Although it isn't the best alternative, I am a sucker for crystal light and add small amounts to my water.  Feel free to also add flavourless BCAA's (branched chain amino acids aka a recovery protein) so you get water and protein all day!  This can make huge differences!

Here are a few facts about what water can do for your health!

-Water flushes out toxins that are damaging to your body
-It is essential for urine and bowel movements
-It helps transfer essential vitamins and nutrients to your bodies cells
-It keeps your blood at a normal viscosity
-Provides the moist environment needed for things like your nose, throat, and inner ear.

Get hydrated today guys and remember, if you can't get water get sugar and aspartame free fluids in you at least!


Ryan Trueman

Thursday 6 December 2012

Easy ways to stay active while prepping for the holidays!

Hey guys,
Here is by request, a few ways to stay active during the holidays!

        I know ladies will love this and guys might hate me, but tip number one is...Shop!  Shopping is a great way for us to get out and walking around, but there are a few minor steps you can take to help yourself out!  Take short breaks from time to time to give your back and feet a rest.  You can walk for hours on end and this can be damaging to your body!  Just like you would in the gym, make sure you get your rest! Extra tips: Try wearing cushioned sneakers instead of fancy shoes, and make sure you eat!  A lot of people while shopping forget to eat.  Eat clean so you can keep your metabolism up and your body happy!

       Shop for your tree!  This is one I always enjoy both for the physical activity and the pure enjoyment.  By searching for a christmas tree at a christmas tree farm, you allow yourself to essentially go for a hike in the snow while searching!  This can be a real calorie burner especially with the rise in your body's core temperature.  If this is to tough, simply try to shop around for your tree at local stops.  Not only will you get the perfect tree, but it can keep you out and moving!

       Play in the snow!  Things like sledding and pond hockey are incredible workouts that often last for hours without the feeling of fatigue (tired).  This lack of fatigue is often due to the rise in endorphins and adrenaline (similarly to the reason why people don't feel pain while they are aggressive).  If I asked you to walk up a snow covered hill 25 times without a sled you would tell me to go sit on a christmas star, but put a sled in your hands and you will do it all on your own!

        Put up holiday decorations!  Just putting up decorations can be time consuming, but the length of time you will spend being active will easily outweigh your frustrations.  Get outside and set some up for you and your neighbourhood.  The more people that set up decorations the more the next tip will help!

       Go see the neighbourhood lights!  This is one that I use to do with my family when we were young.  Not only will this put you in the holiday spirit, but it will help you get outside and walking.  I know the sidewalks aren't as clean as they are in the summer, but the extra difficulty will actually help you get more out of it!

       Go for outdoor walks!  This ties in with the above idea and can be done anytime.  Don't stop walking because there is snow on the ground.  Bundle up and get moving!

        Play!  Just get outside and play! A snowball fight, a snow fort, or building a snowman will help keep you outside and having fun!

       Shovel driveways!  This is an easy way to not only help out neighbours (maybe even for some money) but to get a sweat on!  Make sure you lift safety and don't use your back!


        Lastly, use your stress in good ways.  This can be a stressful time of year and the gym is the perfect way to release this stress!  Make room for physical activity and the stress relief alone will be worth it!

      You can be strict during the holidays I promise.  I spent last years christmas in Cuba so I had to be strict in december.  I did it so I know you can too!

It doesn't have to be difficult, to be healthy!

Christmas Eve 2011, Stay Strict and Happy Holidays!

Ryan Trueman

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Obesity and the startling statistics behind it!

Hey guys, 
       I was reading through an article in the New York Times this morning and was pretty disgusted.  As of 2005, for the first time in over 2 centuries, the life expectancy of children is now shorter than their parents and the reason behind it is obesity.  Even worse, in 1978, one study showed only 15% of children were overweight and now it is an embarrassing 26%!  Right now there are 1.6 MILLION children who are overweight!  I find this so frustrating and as much as people want to blame parents, a lot of them just aren't educated enough on nutrition and exercise.  The real fact is, a lot of kids just don't get active.  They play more xbox, watch more tv and play less outdoors than many of us did as children.  I use to be outside from the moment I got home from school right up until dark, and I wasn't alone.  Hear me out here, I am not saying that is necessary, but I always recommend at least 45 minutes to an hour each day.  Physical activity can be anything too, just be creative and think outside the box.  Take your kids sledding or be a kid and go sledding yourself, I do!  Now it's evident that the world is getting fatter, we can see it, but what a lot of people don't think about is the health costs that come with obesity! Obesity now costs the government more in health care costs than smoking! Keep in mind smoking kills 47,000 people a year.   One study showed "Adults who are at an unhealthy weight are at an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes.  In 2005, the total cost of obesity to Canadians was $4.3 billion; $1.8 billion in healthcare costs, and $2.5 billion in indirect costs.  Affected adults may die up to 3 to 7 years earlier than counterparts with a healthy weight."  (

Here is just some of the negative heath effects of obesity:

  • Your respiratory system and sleep (sleep apnea, asthma, breathlessness)
  • Your digestive system (gallbladder disease / gallstones, eating disorders)
  • Your reproductive system (menstrual problems, pregnancy complications, infertility, impotence, birth defects, ovary syndromes)
  • Your endocrine (your body's filter) system (pancreatitis, fatty pancreas)
  • the cardiovascular system (heart disease, heart attack, elevated cholesterol, abnormal heart rates, hypertension, stroke)
  • Your mental health (depression)
  • Your liver (Fatty liver disease) 
  • Your kidneys (kidney stones, chronic kidney disease,)
  • Your musculoskeletal (muscles and structures) system (osteoarthritis, gout)
  • Your immune (your body's defence) system (inflammation, lowered immunity)

The first step is being aware!  Now you know, so let's go make a difference in not only our lives, but the children around us before this trend translates into adulthood!

Ryan Trueman

Monday 3 December 2012

Gym Etiquette: What you need to know so you don't annoy!

Before we start, some of these ideas don't apply to every gym.  Obviously if you are in a heavy lifting gym it will be much different from a family complex or a goodlife.  I will be mentioning a lot of the issues I see in family complex gyms that house people of all ages, so pick from this what may apply to the environment you lift in!       

A lot of people are new to the gym, or haven't picked up on social norms and how things normally work at the gym.  So here is a list of a few do's and don'ts I have seen around the gyms I have worked at.   Keep in mind you do have to cater to your gym a little bit as most of these apply to commercial and family gyms.  If you see a younger (or new) lifter doing something that could hurt them, it is a little more acceptable to tell them to change or give them some advice rather than telling an already in shape 35 year old man.

Talking. Talking to me at the gym is one of the most frustrating things you can do.  I am not being mean, but most workouts if done properly are on a timer.  My rest is timed, my sets are timed and my muscles are in the state I want them in.  If you stop someone to talk you should determine if they are either (a) talkers who won't care (all gyms have these people don't feel like you are bothering them) and (b) non talkers.  In either case, try to get in some quick hellos in between sets, or meet up near the end of a workout.  This can help the both of you complete the workouts you want without being rude. Tip: Headphones in often means don't talk to me, pulling your headphones out is normally a sign that someone wants to talk!

Don't block mirror space.  Many people do not use the mirrors properly, but some people do.  The mirrors are there to watch your form and make sure your technique is proper.  I use the mirrors a lot and someone blocking the mirrors is frustrating.  Sometimes your visual cues are all you have to know how good your technique is.  This is one that many people who are new don't pick up on and can frustrate regulars quick.

Don't crowd other people. It can be really frustrating when there is an empty gym and someone comes and lifts right beside you.  If there is room, take it. This is unless it makes you carry heavy weights for long periods.  Leave people space to workout as long as it doesn't increase your chances of injury.

Wipe off your sweat.  Now I realize some people are not sweaters at the gym like I am, but if you are, CLEAN YOUR MACHINES.  This time of year a lot of people will be getting sick and spreading germs, the last thing we need is more of them around.

Spread out in the change room!  A lot of people didn't grow up like some of us hockey players, and change rooms can be an awkward place; especially with many people showering after the gym.  Remember to make them feel comfortable and give people space, this can help eleviate some stress and is just polite.

Don't float around the gym.  This is one that bothered me today.  If you have a machine or an exercise you are using, try to stick around it (obviously with the exceptions of things like supersets, spots, and water breaks) and not float around the gym being a social butterfly.  Try to remain near your stuff so people know you are using it.  One woman today took 7 minutes between one of her sets so she could watch and talk with her boyfriend across the gym.  This lead to me starting and stopping an exercise after one warm up set.  Remember guys, everyone needs to use the equipment so try not to waste time with it.

Always ask someone if you think they are done!  This can avoid any confrontations and interruptions and will make sure you aren't stealing someones equipment.  If they have a set or two left, don't hover, simply put down something like your water bottle as a claim of it next and take some time to walk to the fountain.  Hovering over someone can rush them and make them feel uncomfortable.

Don't take someone's weights When in doubt, ask!

Don't stare. Enough said

Put your weights away: This just makes it easier for everyone, just put your stuff away.

Don't show off!  Lift to lift.  Don't lift to impress the young lady that just came in, or the captain of the high school football team.  Lift to achieve, don't lift to please.

Don't grunt, yell, or drop weights. This all depends on your gym.  If you have a dungeon type gym this will not apply, this is in reference to commercial gyms that cater to all age types and skill levels.  This is extremely intimidating for new lifters and especially new women.  I have had countless clients act nervous around meatheads who make a lot of noise and I find it frustrating because it can halt the progress of someone who really needs the gym.

Don't throw weights.  A lot of people drop weights to the floor and make a lot of noise at the end of each set.  Remember if you can't lift it properly don't lift it, it can be a huge distraction and dangerous for your spot.

Don't use too many things at once for long periods of time.  This can hold up a lot of people, and is seen as hogging.

Do offer spots in the right way.  Always ask how the person you are spotting how they like their spots.  Questions like the ones below can often help offer the best assistance for those in the gym.

Do you like help from the elbows or wrists?
Do you like me helping keep your lift at a constant speed or would you rather it be stuck before I help you?

Don't bother people mid set. Leave people to finish their exercise before talking!

Do help other people out.  You can people watch guys and I do it all the time without causing problems.  Keep an eye out for people who may just need your help, this could be passing them weight or throwing a ball for them.  If you have time why not help someone have a better workout

Share! That is all I need to say there.

Don't be rude to new people. New people are just trying to make a change.  Grant them some wiggle room when it comes to etiquette.  Reacting poorly may cause them to abandon the idea of working out and being healthier!

Deodorant and smelly bums.  Now this seems like you wouldn't have to say it, but it is super important.  I have had people clear out whole sections of the gym because of their odor.  We all sweat yes, but bringing some old spice with you in your gym bag and have the decency not to fart in someones workout space will go a long way.  Body odor is something I know some people can't help and it can be embarrassing.  Help yourself out and just bring some with you incase you are the smelly guy in the gym.  Don't worry I have been the guy that forgot deodorant at the gym before, but nothing a trip to the gym bag to put on old spice won't fix.

Don't hog special machines, especially cardio.  Remember guys, people need to share and leave everyone a chance to use the machines they want.

Don't be a Tip guy (-->).  Remember people find over educating annoying when they don't want to hear it,  especially if you don't know your stuff.  Remember, educate but don't annoy.

        Hope some of these tips help people make a few more friends at the gym!  Remember, be friendly, but don't be annoying.  Gage your gym and gage your people.  If you are at a heavy loud gym, feel free to talk as heavy lifting usually has huge rest, where as if you are at a community gym like Goodlife, most people will find it annoying and distracting.  Help workouts but don't hurt them!

Hope that answers the questions I got recently!

A great youtube joke on this stuff courtesy of a friend of mine! 

Ryan Trueman

Monday 26 November 2012

Workout solutions for at home or on vacation!

         Ever find it hard to get the time to get all the way to the gym?  Better yet, ever been on vacation or away on buisness and find it difficult to find a gym?  Well here are a few of my favourite at home or on the road workouts that can be done with just some open space.  I should mention, should you have the opportunity to get yourself resistance bands or have a hotel with many stairs, you should incorporate these into your workout to help give you a much greater variety of exercises.

        The first is a former crossfit workout that I love.  I find this one is awesome because it puts you at your own pace, and allows you to challenge yourself on future workouts!

Circuit 1:

       Consists of 3 exercises for a total duration of 20 minutes.  Feel free to play around with the time depending on your fitness level.  You will try to get as many sets done as possible in the set time frame of the following 3 exercises:

Followed by 3 x Planks as long as you can with 1 minute rest in between.

Push Ups:  For push ups I recommend your hands directly below your shoulders.  If this hurts your shoulders move your hands outwards (NOT ALL THE WAY!) and continue.  Fun fact: The further out your hands are the more you work your chest and the closer they get together the more you work your triceps.  Keep your back straight and your bum down.  These can also be done on inclines or on your knees if you need to make them easier!

Leg lifts:  You start laying on your back.  I find it easiest to place your hands under your bum so your tailbone isn't on the hard ground.  You then pull your shoulder blades off the ground (the rest of your back can be flush) and don't pull your neck up to look at your feet as this can cause neck pain.  Your goal now is to not let your heels or your shoulders touch the ground again.  You then lift your legs off the ground until they point as close to the ceiling as possible.  UPGRADE: lift your bum off the ground as well to get added strain on the abdominals.

Body Squats - keep your posture straight and don't let your knees go over your toes.  Make sure it is a sit down stand up motion.  Squats are not just trying to get low, you want to mimic sitting down and standing up.  One easy way I use when teaching younger athletes is, if you were going to poop at the bottom of your squat you wouldn't want to poop on your shoes!

Plank:  The plank is the staple of any good ab routine.  It does a fantastic job at completely fatiguing the abs as well as build lean muscle without bulky muscle.  You want your elbows directly below your shoulders and nothing but a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.  Make sure you do not let your bum sag down or lift up and maintain a flexed core throughout the movement.  By not flexing your abs some of the tension will be transfered to your lower back and can lead to pain or injury.  UPGRADE: I put my toes on a bench and my elbows on an exercise ball.  This added lateral instability leads to a harder hold for the abs.


Circuit 2

           You will complete this circuit below 2-3 times with around 3-4 minutes of rest in between sets.  Each exercise will be done for 1 minute followed immediately by performing the next exercise.  This will be 8 minutes of hard work and can be done in as little as 20 minutes (2 sets).

Alternating Lunges- Keep your hips in line and your posture upright.  Only go as low as you feel flexible too, and don't let your knees go over your toes.  Is it too easy? Pick up something heavy around the house in each hand!

Push Ups:  For push ups I recommend your hands directly below your shoulders.  If this hurts your shoulders move your hands outwards (NOT ALL THE WAY!) and continue.  Fun fact: The further out your hands are the more you work your chest and the closer they get together the more you work your triceps.  Keep your back straight and your bum down.  These can also be done on inclines or on your knees if you need to make them easier!

Bicycles: These are also sometimes called 1,2,3's and are awesome at getting nice obliques (just outside your central abs) and serratus anterior muscles (those little abs up by your lats and chest).  What you do is again keep your heels off of the ground.  From there you bring your right elbow to your left knee by rotating and twisting the core around.  Don't reach with your arms, remember to bring your elbow to your knee by using your abs to both stabilize and perform the lift. You then follow by doing this to the opposite side.  Some people like to hold every 3rd one to make sure the motion stays slow and the abs are fatigued  I normally do not include the pause but I make sure each rep takes around 3-4 seconds.  This slow movement will increase tension.  Additionally fast twisting movement put a lot of torque and strain on your lower back and can lead to injury, so remember to slow down and use your abs.  Don't pull on the back of your head either, this can strain your neck.

Body Squats - keep your posture straight and don't let your knees go over your toes.  Make sure it is a sit down stand up motion.  Squats are not just trying to get low, you want to mimic sitting down and standing up.  One easy way I use when teaching younger athletes is, if you were going to poop at the bottom of your squat you wouldn't want to poop on your shoes!

Chair dips: Spread your hands out just beside your hips while sitting on a bench or chair.  Lift yourself up off the chair and put your feet flat on the ground (unless at the max length).  The further our your legs go the harder they will get.  Keep your back straight, breath, and only go as deep as you feel flexible too.

V sits: For v sits you start in a similar position as leg lifts however you are not sitting on your hands.  For v sits you hold your shoulder blades up or a weight over your head with your heels off of the ground.  You then move from this hold slowly into a V position.  This should be done slowly and controlled for the most strain on the abs.  This one can be a little tough for beginners so I included an alternate exercise called flutter kicks.  For flutter kicks remain in the leg lift position and keep your heels off the ground, you then kick your feet while keeping your legs straight and your toes pointed.  Your heels never touch the ground again until the kicking is done at the end of 1 minute.  UPGRADE: Do them on the end of a bench so that your legs can go into a negative horizontal angle for a wider range of motion!

Wall Sit: This one can be difficult and was taught to me by a personal trainer called the butcher when I was only 10 years old at hockey camp.  You sit up against the wall with your knees at 90 degrees and you hold that position.  Make sure your bum is in line with your thighs and that your feet are directly underneath your knees.  Try to keep your arms crossed on your chest and hold.

 Plank:  The plank is the staple of any good ab routine.  It does a fantastic job at completely fatiguing the abs as well as build lean muscle without bulky muscle.  You want your elbows directly below your shoulders and nothing but a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.  Make sure you do not let your bum sag down or lift up and maintain a flexed core throughout the movement.  By not flexing your abs some of the tension will be transfered to your lower back and can lead to pain or injury.  UPGRADE: I put my toes on a bench and my elbows on an exercise ball.  This added lateral instability leads to a harder hold for the abs.

Try these out guys! They can be done almost anywhere!

Ryan Trueman

Saturday 24 November 2012

The top 5 changes you can make to become healthier and look better!

These here guys are in my mind the top 5 things you can do to make changes to your lifestyle and get in shape today!  At least try just one* and you will be shocked how easy it is!

1) Cut out white sugars and gluten! These guys are everyones favorite foods, but they are what is ultimately making everyone fat.  Yes they are delicious but you have to stay away from things like these: (UNTIL CHEAT DAY <3 )

-Pops and Energy drinks (even diet pops aren't good for you)
-Gatorades and powerades other than post workout (to less of an extent G2). Gatorade is filled with sugars and is meant to be a sports drink to refill electrolytes not to be used as an every day drink!  G2 has half the carbs and can be drank a little more openly.
-Fruit Juices and to an extent fruits, don't over eat them
-White breads and pasta
-A high percentage of foods with a sweet taste (label read)

2) Eat Breakfast!  By making sure you eat proteins and fats in the morning you help jump start your metabolism and trigger it to burn stored fats all day.  The longer you go in the day without eating the longer your body stays in something called ketosis.  Ketosis is when your body thinks it is being deprived of food and dying so it begins to slow down your metabolism.  Eating breakfast (especially 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up) can greatly jump start you on a healthy day full of energy! One thing, do not have simple sugars here, they will spike your insulin and lead you to an up and down energy balance all day!

3)Get moving no matter how little it is!  Most of the time subtle small changes can make drastic changes.  Something as easy as walking 20 minutes a day, or walking to work, can make huge caloric changes.  You ill ultimately start resetting your body and your metabolism!  Even better, a lot of times it is ends up in a snowfall affect where people often see results, and then do more, which intern yields more results, etc.  and eventually they are healthier all around!  This is even how I started! I cut out pop, and the next thing I knew I was revamping my whole lifestyle because the changes were so awesome!

4)Eat protein! Protein does so much for your body.  It is the very building blocks of our muscle tissue.  It is so so so so so important to get adequate amounts of protein in your diet.  Not only do you supply yourself with the supplies your body needs to grow and repair, it will result in setting your metabolism at an ideal rate.  Easy ways to accomplish this is by eating meat with one main meal a day or buying a protein powder and having a shake with breakfast! You wouldn't try to build a brick wall with no bricks would you? EAT PROTEIN

5) DON'T BE SCARED OF FATS!  Fats need to be consumed.  It is the transport system of many essential vitamins and nutrients, and is an awesome energy source!  Study after study has proven that low fat diets don't work.  That's because fat isn't the bad guy here, he just goes where he is told.  It is the two faced Mr. Carbs who is telling him to store as fat.  The easiest snacking idea that comes to mind here is nuts, just make sure you don't over indulge.
     One thing you do have to watch out for is trans fats!  These fats are man made and very difficult for our bodies to break down.  Without getting confusing lets just say it is because of the trans fats molecular shape.  These are the fats that need to be avoided!  Keep an eye out for hidden bad fats, and peanut butter is one great example.  The liquid texture of the natural peanut butter is real fat and healthy for you (if you don't over indulge) . You will notice normal peanut butter isn't and that is because they have sucked out the real fats and added some of their own.  Therefore, the fat in everyones normal kraft peanut butter isn't nearly as healthy for you.  In addition, watch out for fat free peanut butters, often times they pack them with icing sugar after they take out the fat!

There they are guys, easy changes.  With these subtle and small changes you can make drastic improvements to your health and look!  It's not hard to eat and feel healthy!  Just do some research and label reading.  Once you do your homework you can pick out the delicious and nutritious meals from the love that's on your handles!

Try them!

Ryan Trueman

 *Try anyone alone except the introduction of fats without the subtraction of carbs.  The carbs can ruin some health benefits and you will most likely gain weight.  All others can be done on their own!

Thursday 22 November 2012

Quick tips on how to burn the most and best calories during your cardio training!

Hey guys,
      I was talking to a guy today and he asked me about something that I think I should write on.  This is how to get the most out of your cardio sessions and the answer is easier than you think!

        When your heart rate is at or below 70% of your heart rate max (220-age approximately) you are primarily burning stored fats.  This sounds like it is awesome, I mean we are going easy and burning just fat what could be better?  The problem here lies in that you are only burning fats, and slowly.  A more efficient way of burning calories is to train using intervals.  Intervals are when you change your speeds and intensities.  By bringing your heart rate above this 70% you switch into a burning mode where you burn carbs as well as fats for fuel.  Now this sounds inefficient compared to before but remember, carbs store fats, aka carbs are fats essentially so you are actually doing better!  Not only are you burning carbs as well, you are also burning more calories at a higher rate than you burn fats in steady training.  This can get a bit confusing so here it is in an example for simplicity;

          Jenny Gymrat , likes to do her cardio workouts at a slow steady pace for a long duration.  This results in her doing 20 minutes at jogging pace on the treadmill.  When doing this she is only burning fats for a total of (random number) 150 calories of fat!  Sounds good right, but wait a minute.  Let's compare her to Johnny OnceAweek.  Instead if running at a steady pace, Johnny does intervals of 1 minute at 100% intensity sprints on a treadmill to 1 minute steady at 70% pace.  He does this 7 times for a total of 14 minutes.  Johnny has now lost only 50 calories of fat.  But wait, he has also lost 200 calories of carbs in the process.  So he has now lost a total of 250 calories which is more than Jenny!

         This is where people normally have the pitfall.  They buy into the steady cardio burns fat idea.  Not to mention, steady cardio yields repetition.  Repetition also has it's draw backs because you will slowly adapt and lose fewer calories each time you do the same thing.

Here are some good interval workouts that some of my clients use;

Cardiovascular Training Ideas
1 min on/1 min off  
30 seconds on / 1:30 off
Rowing machine. Ex. 3 x 2km, 4km steady, 6 x 500m
1 minute on/ 3 minute steady jog
Steady walk/run on treadmill with incline
Track laps. Ex. Sprint a lap, do an exercise, immediately sprint another, etc
Sprint stairs with treadmill steady jog even walking treadmill in between
Plyometrics. Ex. Jump squats/ lunges/ box jumps on a timer
*steady means jog or about 70%, where off or easy means just keep making the movement, ex bike with no tension, or walking on treadmill
~Remember steady cardio burns fat calories, while interval training burns fat and carbs which leads to a greater net calorie burn in a shorter period of time. 

             So moral of the story here guys!  Workout with intervals with high and low intensities for shorter durations, rather than go steady on the elliptical or bike for 20 minutes!  This will yield better results! Don't be a Jenny Gymrat be a Johnny OnceAweek!


Ryan Trueman

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Two easy ways to avoid those dreaded hangovers!

We have all been there.  The awful day that follows such a wonderful night.  The HANGOVER. Should you ever come into this issue (daily,weekly,monthly we don't judge here) here is two quick tips to help you get through those rough mornings!

1) Eat Asparagus before or after (I'd say both) a night of drinking, can greatly reduce your hangover  troubles.  Asparagus boosts key enzymes that break down alcohol after a night of drinking and help protect you from the dreaded hangover.  In simple terms, asparagus is your flu shot to protect you from the flu.  MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HEAT IT UP.  Asparagus loses a lot of it's nutrients when it is cooked and fried! Try fresh or barely steamed!

2) A lot of hangover issues come from the dehydration you go through.  Before you go to sleep and in the morning have water or even better an electrolyte drink.  Electrolyte drinks are drinks like gatorades and powerades.  I recommend G2 because it has lots of electrolytes with fewer carbs so you get the benefits of a low carb drink.

Try them out guys, both are documented and backed by science!

Ryan Trueman

Tuesday 20 November 2012

A great ab routine that gets results in as little as 15 minutes 3-4 times a week and can even be done at home!

Throughout my years of training I have been asked only one question as much as how do I lose weight,  and that is, how do I get abs?  The truth is you can get abs very easily with a low carb diet and as little as 5-10 minutes 4 times a week.

I got abs like these (yes another selfy but it gets the point across) from as little as 5 minutes a day at the end of my workouts.  The key to getting abs, is adding weight and work until exhaustion.  Abdominals are a muscle group that is a primary stabilizer for your posture and therefore have a high tolerance to fatigue, therefore what we can do is exhaust the muscle through either constant tension or little rest!  Now remember, you need to take off the fat jacket before you will get the visual, so keep strict to your diet and exercise and your abs will be there in no time!  Here is one of my favorite ab circuits you can follow easily even at home, and takes as little as 15 minutes!

*ALAP means as long as possible.
All are done on 1- 2 minutes of rest x 3 sets!

Here is a better explanation of the exercises for those who need it!

Leg lifts:  You start laying on your back.  I find it easiest to place your hands under your bum so your tailbone isn't on the hard ground.  You then pull your shoulder blades off the ground (the rest of your back can be flush) and don't pull your neck up to look at your feet as this can cause neck pain.  Your goal now is to not let your heels or your shoulders touch the ground again.  You then lift your legs off the ground until they point as close to the ceiling as possible.  UPGRADE: lift your bum off the ground as well to get added strain on the abdominals.

V Sits: For v sits you start in a similar position as leg lifts however you are not sitting on your hands.  For v sits you hold your shoulder blades up or a weight over your head with your heels off of the ground.  You then move from this hold slowly into a V position.  This should be done slowly and controlled for the most strain on the abs.  This one can be a little tough for beginners so I included an alternate exercise called flutter kicks.  For flutter kicks remain in the leg lift position and keep your heels off the ground, you then kick your feet while keeping your legs straight and your toes pointed.  Your heels never touch the ground again until the kicking is done at the end of 1 minute.  UPGRADE: Do them on the end of a bench so that your legs can go into a negative horizontal angle for a wider range of motion!

Bicycles:  These are also sometimes called 1,2,3's and are awesome at getting nice obliques (just outside your central abs) and serratus anterior muscles (those little abs up by your lats and chest).  What you do is again keep your heels off of the ground.  From there you bring your right elbow to your left knee by rotating and twisting the core around.  Don't reach with your arms, remember to bring your elbow to your knee by using your abs to both stabilize and perform the lift. You then follow by doing this to the opposite side.  Some people like to hold every 3rd one to make sure the motion stays slow and the abs are fatigued  I normally do not include the pause but I make sure each rep takes around 3-4 seconds.  This slow movement will increase tension.  Additionally fast twisting movement put a lot of torque and strain on your lower back and can lead to injury, so remember to slow down and use your abs.

 Plank:  The plank is the staple of any good ab routine.  It does a fantastic job at completely fatiguing the abs as well as build lean muscle without bulky muscle.  You want your elbows directly below your shoulders and nothing but a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.  Make sure you do not let your bum sag down or lift up and maintain a flexed core throughout the movement.  By not flexing your abs some of the tension will be transfered to your lower back and can lead to pain or injury.  UPGRADE: I put my toes on a bench and my elbows on an exercise ball.  This added lateral instability leads to a harder hold for the abs.

 So there it is guys!  Try this routine 3-5 times a week along with a healthy diet and you will see abs in no time!  The proof is in the pictures!

Ryan Trueman

Sunday 18 November 2012

Your sweeteners and diet pops are still making you fat! Your solution is found here!

Why your sweeteners may be hurting your results!
What a lot of people don't realize is that the world of fat loss is not centered around calories in and calories out.  Without repeating myself too much from previous posts, we must look at so much more.

The reason we avoid simple sugars is because of the insulin spike.  This insulin spike is the taxi that drops fat off right at your hips.  The issue I have lies in the fact that sweeteners have no calories, so they must be healthy for us right? You can't get fat off zero calories can you?  The answer is YES.  Most sweeteners do still spike your insulin levels.  This spike leads to an increase in fat absorption the same as a spoonful of sugar would do. It gets worse! Often times, sweeteners can destroy or interfere with the processes of healthy bacteria that works inside of us!
       But wait!  There is still good news to those of you who love your diet pops!  Studies have shown that if you indulge every once in a while and keep it to under 12oz of diet pop you should get away with it.   However, after that 12oz you dramatically slow down your journey to becoming a Skinny Minnie!


A substitute that I use for things like coffee and tea is called Stevia.  It is a natural plant that has 300x the sweetness of sugar without any affect on your blood glucose levels.  It is extremely sweet and needs only a speck of it added to coffees and teas.  You can buy them in individual packages like sweeteners at local health food stores.  It isn't in many foods on the shelf in North America yet, but it is a big hit over seas (where they are miles ahead of us on citizen health) and should start to show up here shortly.   Try it out and help yourself today! Stay informed, Stay healthy!

Ryan Trueman